Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where To Go On The Motorcycle In Poptropica

only times I'm still alive

Hey people.
Sorry that so little is going on here right now, but do not worry: I'm still alive. Have only
currently school block and how it is then always with me, for whatever reason (should have been more free time than when I work), then I am always very active. ^ ^

We have to 4.02. school and then it's back in my department.
The exams for the last school block I get back and I am really surprised and relieved as the genius become are:

application development: 1
English: 1
support of IT systems: 1
policy: 2
Linux: 2

Let's see what the next exams are so hope for good grades, so I in the written test in May, then not too much pressure aaaall have / do. : D

The photo looks out for most likely a bissl disgusting! XD But that's Makufki (as Poland), and I always make my Pa for Christmas, and eeeeinfach just delicious.
Is almost in milk cake with poppy inlaid geschmozelnen Kakoa and sugar. This white / yellow layer on top, which look for most probably the most disgusting like is frozen butter. Man, the court again hard cold fact be / before you eat it then. So do not be discouraged is real hamma;)

Then I made even a photo of my favorite Christmas cookies this year. All baked course with a friend even, ()


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