Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diagram For M60 Machine Gun

5 fun sayings for the day at StudiVz

spell 1: Two and a Half Man
Alan: We need to practice at 8 in the
Charlie: Clock?
Alan: No degree celsius -.-

spell 2:
Hey Dad where I'm actually "-" From the stork "-" Boaaah you fuck all too real?.. -.- `

spell 3:
I'm so hard, I take 3 of Nimm2.

saying 4:
Son: Dad, I want to marry!
Father: Already? Who?
son, Grandma! \u0026lt;3
Father: But you can not marry my mother!
son: Why not? You do not get too married my!

saying 5:
Son: Dad, today in school I said one was gay!
Father: Oh man, the thump in the face!
son: But he is sooooo cute

: D Have a nice start to the day I want you.


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